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Hello Fellow Teachers!


It's our duty to work together to contribute to a better future through educating our youth in a fun and safe environment that is indusive to continuous growth and learning. 


I read a few articles that related to African Americans and other minorities. "Urban Storytelling: How Storyboarding, Moviemaking, and Hip Hop-Based Education Can Promote Students' Critical Voice"  In this article there were a few quotes that I could make sense of because I am familiar with the environment. "...hip hop is a form of testimony for the underclass." "The development of awareness to the social and political concerns of one's community, or critical voice, is central to democratic society."


"Code-Switching and Language Ideologies: Exploring Identity, Power, and Society in Dialectically Diverse Literature." It discussed the works of popular African American authors and popular urban fiction series. Authors such as Zora Neale Hurston writes in dialect. One point of the article is that students should be versed in dialectically diverse literature and it offers ways to teach vernacular rich texts. Another point of the article states how language can be used to interrogate issues of identity and prejudice


Below are a few link to articles that I believe will help us reach that goal

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